Pipeline Execution

Pipelines are executed using a PipelineRunner instance, which wraps-up all the required logic.

We will use the “Simple Pipeline” created in the Simplified Pipeline Generation Example to calculate \(3^{2^2}\).


“Simple Pipeline” Illustration. In the following example, we will pass 2 as the “base” input for the “square” node.

>>> from django_analyses.pipeline_runner import PipelineRunner
>>> from django_analyses.models import Node
>>> pipeline = Pipeline.objects.get(title="Simple Pipeline")
>>> pipeline_runner = PipelineRunner(pipeline)
>>> square_node = Node.objects.get(analysis_version__analysis__title="Exponentiation")
>>> runs = pipeline_runner.run(inputs={square_node: [{"base": 2}]})

The returned runs variable is a dict instance containing the pipeline’s nodes as keys lists of runs as values. Examining runs will show that \(2^2\) returned [Run #1] (which was created at the beginning of the pipeline generation tutorial), whereas \(3^4\) was a novel calculation and therefore a new run has been was created.

Finally, to view our output:

>>> from django_analyses.models.analysis_version import AnalysisVersion
>>> raise_3 = AnalysisVersion.objects.get(analysis__title="Exponentiation").first()
>>> runs[raise_3].get_output("result")

Specifying User Inputs

User inputs are expected to be provided as a dictionary with nodes as keys and lists of dictionary input configurations as values. This format enables a user to specify inputs for multiple entry points, as well as multiple runs of a particular entry node, in case it is required. However, in many cases, pipelines either only have a single entry point or single executions of a number of entry points.

Single Entry Point Input Configuration

For this reason, in case there is only a single entry point, the required input configuration dictionary may be assigned directly, e.g. in the base Pipeline Execution example above, we could have also used:

>>> runs = pipeline_runner.run(inputs={"base": 2})

Because square_node is the only entry point in the pipeline, the input configuration dictionary will automatically be assigned to that node.